New York @ October 2008

At early afternoon of a normal day is Lexington Avenue ominous quiet: no noise, no buzz, just a sliding wave of happy looking purchaser; no rush, no hectic. That's why shopping makes people happy and relaxed.
The Indian man in the Chinese electronic shop wants to sell me a low tech camera in a price level higher than in 5the Ave, I am laughing, he does not understand it at all. He is not so happy.
Marriott East Side is very American. An house full of ghosts of those days, dark furniture, shivering calmness, people in ugly Grey suits asking you after your "happiness" and my nightmare: folklorist (= bloomy) blankets, they dispossess me of my dreams, which I indented to have, indeed. And one more, old white American Men: of course East coast WASP's, well dressed, honorable, boring and obliging; therefor, almost death. They are everywhere, in the lobby, beside me in the restaurant and even in the lift. One should change the perspective. After Boston, my second experience seeing them in vivo. Gott bewahre.

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