New York @ May 2010

Soundtrack of NYC:

Georg Philipp Telemann  (German Baroque)

坂本 龍一 or Sakamoto Ryūichi (Japanese sound creator, piano genius) 

Sezen Akzu or Minik Serçe (Turkish pop/arabesque/electro/etc etc etc)

and again Travis (brit pop)

New York @ May 2010

Was auch immer die Nicht-Manhattaner über das Herz der Welt sagen, und was auch immer an Neid, Mißgunst, Kurzsichtigkeit jenseits des Flusses über Manhattan übertragen wird; Manhattan ist New York.

New York @ May 201

Liveablitity score (1-5)
Sustainability: 2
Sociodiversity: 5
Public transport:4
Creativ Index : 5

New York @ May 2010

Scrolling streets of Corwn heigts in Brooklyn in Sabbath time is the miror of long term dreams we might have from the Jewish New York. The Barrio is absolutely homogenous and traditional in exterieur manner and a place of deep metaphysics.

Yesterday I went with my friend U. to the synagogue at night after teh Sabbath cereminals. Meditating in a way and seeing people disputing, eating, laughing under towers of old books is hilarious.