Bologna @ August 2011

A city of arcades and passages.

Genoa @ August 2011

The town of Enzo Piano and its shadow.

El mare @ August 2011

A day and a night in the depth of Mediterranean sea. Flying dolophins.

Barcelona @ July 2011

A pool on the roof, mild sun. That' s it.

Amsterdam @ July 2011

World Lung Cancer Conference.

A nice chat with my friend Martin v.R. in his beautiful house.

Prague @April 2011

Having a week off work I decided to move again to refresh the air. Prague was supposed to be the next stop: a kind of mueseum under the sky, as Paris is for years.

Mild evening, almost summer, a day before Karfreitag. Under the late evening light of lanterns, Prague seems to be Island of calmity, almost no traffic, no noise, the hills in background, that ' s it, why people love Prague. It is just an image: distant and safe.

Prague @ April 2011

First, Prague is oblivion.