Copenhagen @ October 2011

The Nordic of all Nordic towns, so close and so far from core land Europe, tough part of it, is a miniature.
It belongs to the very nature of miniature, that they develope a sort of solid and not reproducible own life, which transform them, away from originals they attempted primarily to imitate. On some precise stage of history they have nothing in common with the original. That seems to be the fate of Copenhagen.
Seen in its pure existence, as a place of urban space, the town is just a blurred copy of any ! nord German Town. The morbid charme of any ! Prussian town is imposed on Copenhagen and determines its image and its destiny. The frozen urban structure of towns build in protestants regions of Northern Europe in last four centuries and later as its blurred and obscene version, thus puritanism,  in the US, are depressingly prevalent on any street of Copenhagan, on any public place and virulently on any geometric perspective.

Copenhagen is just the actual, nice, slim and effecient format of a urban space, wich is, in terms of urban developement, backed by the paradigms of the terrible past and more depressing present of any! town in North and East of Germany. Not merely the unbelivable visual "dryness" (C) and anti-picturesque emphasis of this place is a marker for its very structure in the real of urban living, but more then that, the lack of any! statement seems to be the strongest value it radiates. Copenhagen is saying nothing to you, just nothing.

While the local government is suggesting to the inhabitants and with more brand consciousness to the visitors and potential visitors that this is the future. Browsing the streets and places in loco makes you believe that THE suggested future of the ideal urban space and of the optimal eco friendly living style have never been and that it will never come to the realm of our sensory system, not here. One has to admitt that the ideology of the altertnative live style, the NORDIC one, with its huge conventional imagery plenty of bicycles, bicycle ways, bicycle products, and, naturally, with its claimed "Design Turn" (C) is just another nice branding idea for a place of 600000 people away from all main cultural roads in the reformated global village we live in. In this way, it is understandable why Copenhagen trys to transform and re-narrates its dry and distant face into a wild, innovative, sustainable, eco friendly, alternative, organic, design driven and NORDIC things. What they attempt to make us believe in a persistent and sucessful way, is to ignore/ to forget the trancendent core of this place, which is its inherent ultra-protestant emptyness. A virulent and infictive emptyness, or if you like it: a metaphysical VOID, that is evident and unavoidable in the very vibes of the urban architecture and in internal space of imagery, literature, cinema, art. It is even evident with an enforced rhythmic presence in the worst version of post-liberal ideology: local politics, be it left or right or green or red. As terrible, as its more perverse version of "protestant ethics" (cave: Max Weber & co) : namely the calvinistic ideology and its real materialisation, which is Switzerland; Copenhagen is the miniature of an utopian world of ideas, thus images and words: a dry and distant place, free of chaos, joy, warmth, movement and uncertainty.

Copenhagen is one of most liveable in all recent surveys.

It is a place for clarity of mind, brightness of spaces, organic food for a healthy body, bicycles as vehicles of ideology, design as escapism and a lot of fresh air. What do you need more?

Copenhagen @ October 2011

First of all and foremost is Cøbnhavn an illustration.
Istanbul @ October 2011

Soundtrack of MC:
Ben Harper
Xavier Naido

Liveablitity score (worse 1-5 best)
Sustainability: 2
Sociodiversity: 2
Public transport: 3
Creative Index: 2

Istanbul @ October 2011

The Biennial is located in one single venue, at the harbor. Compact and decisive. More photography than

Istanbul @ October 2011

After having passed the evidently endless sequences of REM phases bevor dawn, the following morning is beautiful: mild sun, still sea and people walking somewhere.

Although I see the sea through gaps between the buildings, it does not smell like sea, it is obvious another geography than the Caribeean sea.

Istanbul is neither Asian, and less then that, nor European. The standard media transmitted simulacrum claiming Istanbul might be THE geographico-cultural linkage between the two so different spheres of human civilization, between the notorious West and the blasphemic East, is to be forgotten and ignored due to the fact that the premises of this claim are false and, threor, obscene. Just starring at the strata of omnipresent local narratives and of preserved images boxes is not enough to trace te greatness of this place. History makes us blind by its borring and relentless focus on obvious "historical" events in the past and their factual and mental imagery of meaning. History makes us deaf by its shamless and iterative concentration on off voices of predecents and ancestors, who we do not understand at all. We, in order to be well mannered and highly educated, pretend to trace those events and see those images and, worse of all our simulative activities, to listen to voices of the past. We just can't. And it is unneccesary.

This town is a singular entity. A self made emerging place with a highly cultivated sense for ignoring the history and all histories, which should have been the time based ground of it or even space based legitimation of it. No. It is as it is, because it shuts its eyes close in front of the grandness of the BIG history of Byzanz, Konstantinopel, Konstantaniya and old Istanbul. Not even the old Istanbul has anything in common with this town. For a momment, in order to follow the sub-text, forget the geography, which always misleads us. Yes, logically Today is on the same place in wich was Yesterday, but in this case it is somewhere else. Istanbul would not have been Istanbul, as it is today in this configuration of urban dynamics, economic autonomy and chaos, cultural outburst and dissociation, if it would be merely a historical place. Beyond the "bullshit" (cave: book of HG Frankfurt and the disputes after its publication) of the local traditional politicians and cultural localists, who always claims to be the real voice of Istanbul and inherent of political affinity and historical loyalty for it, this town is not what they are talking about. It is not even their nightmare or chimera.
It is uniquelly something different that their narratives, images and Yesterdays.

It is the "After City".

see Lars Lerups's text on after city, may be there is something in it.

Istanbul @ October 2011
A midnight landing seems like a nightmare: confusing, deliberating.