Bangkok @ July 2008

Almost the high end of smooth luxury combined with the softness of faces, grace of hands, happiness of smiles, that's Bangkok.
The world of calmness and relaxation, that's what hotel lobby spaces in BKK are (Shangri-La, Interconti or Oriental): artificial paradises, the total opposit of the derisory European accomodations and those reluctant faces, with highst level of possible service.
There is even no need to read newspapers in these smooth spaces, no news, no TV, no reality, just the illusion of a nice "place".
The east Asian relaxation culture in Hotels / spa's/ restaurants (specially the Thai version) unifies all those basically divers images of our mind referring to a good being-there while sitting, eating or doing nothing.

At night:

Club "Spicy": the end of shame. Authentic, no "electronic" delusions like the expat clubs (bed supperclub, glow, Q bar, narcissus etc, forget them), JUST: rhythms & bodies, nothing else.

Restaurant "Long table": seeing the night from above along a long, very long table, while listening to minimal vibes and watching pixie faces in the all but darkness of the room.

Bangkok @ July 2008

Like a snake I perambulate trough noise, smoothness, dirt, fluence and nostalgia. The fragrance of orchidee and those hands are making me disapeared.
BKK is covered by shadows of almost living gods, they rule on streets, small shrines around corners, praying and hoping people returned to their self, at least for some instances.
A sort of cessation of mind, "Das Schloss" from K. is invisibel, no news, no papers, no Obama.

Bangkok @ July 2008 
Vorerst ist Bangkok nur ein Strom.
Berlin @ Juli 2008

Ein flüchtiger Anblick im Halbdunkel
Der Schatten von K.

Ein Vorübergehen aneinander
Ein Vergessen zueinander

Himmel, harmlos und still
Arme und Ohren und Augen und Geschmack
Angst vor der Berührung

Rührselig und still
Heftig und zitternd

an L.
** Berlin July 2008 **

Just an ordinary arrival
Like all those days
The kitchen
Food, past, drink, future
Desire, distant world, dreams, the barrio

Some Words
A Sigh
Short stillness

The stars in cloudy sky of the night
An idea of beauty of L'ete indien

Skin, while Omara sings
Taste, while calmness raises
Neck, while shiver rules
Fragrance, while memory goes away
Pelvis, while losing the self

A marvelous silhouette in the darkness of the night

The sense of the sun
The passage

For C.